Ostana collaborates with several institutions, bodies and associations from the Region but also active and the national and international level.
To make the possibility to live in mountain come true, we need to imagine a new possibility for work too.
Starting from the necessity to look for a manager of the new Cultural Center in S.Antonio-Miribrart hamlet, a group of 12 young men and women (10 of them younger than 30 years), who were born in Ostana, decided to become protagonists of the future of their village and to run the Center. Bouligar Association organizes cultural and leasure time events with the aim to attract different targets and bring them to discover Ostana and its multiple offer.
The Chambra d'Oc studies, disseminates and save the Occitan language and culture. Every year it organizes the Premio Ostana - Scritture in lingua madre. By its portal it provides a valuable collection of content and informations about the Occitan Valley and the Brigasca area. It also produces and makes available full online lectures in Occitan language, itineraries and maps to discover and walk along the occitan paths, curious toponymy, pieces of literature, news about concerts, music groups and events.
The MonViso Institute (MVI) is an evolving alpine hub for research, education and entrepreneurship in sustainability transformations and social-ecological design, creating educational benefits and economic opportunities for the Piedmont region.
The School of Cinema was created in 2012 by Giorgio Diritti and Fredo Valla, directors and screenwriters. The School attracts young film-makers from all around Italy. It is officially supported by Turin-Piedmont Film Commission and other local bodies and foundations because of its high-quality educational offer and well-known professors such as the directors Salvatore Mereu and Alberto Fasulo (First award at the Film Festival of Rome), the movies editor Paolo Cottignola ( David di Donatello Award), the film producer Nadia Trevisan (Nefertiti Film).